San Diego Neurosurgeon Visit   3 comments

We are back home from visiting beautiful San Diego.  We met with two Kaiser neurosurgeons that we originally requested to be referred to by our neurologist.  At the time of GP’s diagnosis, we were just starting to research this whole condition, and their names came up in a forum.  We had not come across any other names yet, and so asked for the referral to these doctors, and the appointment was made for July 12 (rescheduled from June 21.)

These doctors were professional and very nice.   We spent quite a bit of time with them, going over his whole story: they reviewed all 3 MRI’s, and asked many questions.  The most recent MRI (July 5),  did not show them anything new.  This is good news/bad news.  We don’t want to find anything wrong that could signify a bigger problem for GP, but our human nature desires to find relief in a specific, clear, smaller thing to fix and eliminate the problem!  In the end, they said they did not know to how to help  because they had not seen this in anyone so young and would be hesitant to perform surgery.

David and I came away feeling discouraged.  I think we had held this appointment in our minds as one that would provide even deeper insight into what has caused such intense pain for GP.  This was not the case and we really struggled emotionally yesterday with the end result of the discussion.

This neurosurgeon visit did another thing for us, however.  It confirmed and solidified our commitment to Upper Cervical Chiropractic care even further.  This is what has made the most difference for GeorgePaul.  He has not had any TN/GPN pain since June 20, and he has not had any ear pain since June 1.

The main thing is that GeorgePaul is not in the nightmare of pain that he lived through!  We keep learning that His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not ours.  This is what faith is for us in this situation:  being given a direction to follow that came about when we asked for it, and following through on it even when both David and I were skeptical (referring to UCC.)  We continue to listen to God – and are beyond thankful that He cares for all of us.

We will be seeing Dr. Flory today for both GeorgePaul’s weekly visit, and for Jillian’s first correction.

Posted July 13, 2011 by broshaker in The Story Overview

3 responses to “San Diego Neurosurgeon Visit

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  1. Hi Lauren and David and Jillian and George Paul,
    Just celebrating every minute of normalcy with you. Following every post with love and prayer. I cannot express how moved I am by your care and research and staggering faith. Thank you so much for your journal so we can be your community and extended family during this chapter in your lives. Sending love

    Linda Heydenfeldt Rosenthal
  2. Hello Lauren,

    I am so thankful to hear of GP progress. I am on my 4th week with Dr. Flory and Dr. Wiess, I can see the difference in my rehabilitation; I am amazed! I think back now of the pain I was feeling and dealing with, my attitude and patience is so much better. I knew I had a problem in my neck from the damage i suffered in an accident i thought i would just have to endure. This is truly a blessing. My neck actually looks longer, I think it’s just that i am not fighting holding my head up anymore. It hasn’t cracked, crunched or stiffened in weeks. Hallelujah! Seth has his appt in 2weeks. Thank You for sharing


  3. Praises for pain-free days! Praises for parents who listened to the Lord’s urging and followed through! Praises that nothing BIG and OMINOUS was found on the MRI. Celebratory hugs to the whole Beardsley clan…and make GP’s hug a BIG ONE!

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